Monday, November 30, 2009

Movement Class/ Brain Gym

Recently, I had the privilege of going to a Brain Gym conference. Brain Gym is a learning program that brings about rapid and often dramatic improvements in reading, writing, language, and other numerical skills. Many others use the work to profoundly enhance the quality of their attention and concentration, relationship and communication, memory and organizational skills, athletic performance and more. People of all ages can benefit from the program. This quarter the kindergarten, second, fourth and fifth grades have had the opportunity to learn one of the basic exercises to take back to their regular classroom and to use at home. There are 26 other movements that enhance the benefits of the program in which the students will continue to learn in Movement class. The second semester Pre-K, first and third grade will have the opportunity to learn about Brain Gym. We are excited to see the positive changes in our students as we enhance their learning environment.

Darci Schattinger
Movement Teacher

1 comment:

Pauline Oliver said...

I am a specialist teacher and SENCO and have used Brain Gym for years.
If you would like to read a little more about using 2 of the basic Brain Gym exercises with babies and with children with learning difficulties (Dyspraxia, Aspergers, Down Syndrome) then please visit my site at
I will shortly be adding another case study by a reader from my site whose daughter has severe difficulties and at age 16 months can now crawl thanks to these exercises.