Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Staff Orientation

In the first week of August we had our new staff orientation. We used the time to begin to bring these new staff up to speed with various aspects of CCA such as our mission and vision, biblical integration, and how we co-labor with parents. Please welcome our new elementary teachers:
Janelle Clark - kindergarten
Sharon Stressau - K, first, second grade computer
Irene Contento - second grade
Eslyn Bryan - 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade Latin
All come with many years of experience and a passion for serving the Lord and teaching elementary age children. We are glad to welcome them to the teaching staff of the elementary school.


Welcome to the CCA Elementary Blog. We created this blog so that we could stay more in touch with parents, students and staff. Periodically we will share what's going on around campus and perhaps some thoughts on topics that impact CCA students and families.