Wednesday, February 25, 2009

5th Grade Launches Dozens of Rockets

Students in CCA's 5th grade created rockets and, with the gracious help of Michael and Paula Reardon, launched them high into the sky on Tuesday, February 24. See a slideshow of dozens of photos of the event by clicking here and then choosing slideshow.
And winning rockets were created by (pictured above):
Tommy Ferro- 1st place
Isabelle Reardon- 2nd place
Chaney Hewlett- 3rd place
What a great way to learn about energy!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine Day Love Bags

Love God and Love Others was the Valentine Day focus for Ms. Troise's class. The class made "Love Bags" - which included tuna, applesauce, mints, a granola bar, water, toothbrush and tooth paste, and wipes in a large ziplock with a tract inside. The students were instructed to work with mom and dad to pray and then give the bag to a homeless person or a person on the side of the road. They all were very excited to go and share God's love.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

100th Day at CCA

Today is the 100th day of school and students in Kindergarten are celebrating by wearing shirts with 100 things on them and by rotating through special activity centers. In these activity centers, parent volunteers lead the students in projects and crafts that reinforce the understanding of what 100 looks and feels like. Click here to see more photos of 100th day.
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Kindergarten goes to the Farm

The Kindergarten Classes were able to have a close up look at all the animals. They spent the day learning about all kinds of animals, when they went for their field trip at Tradewinds Park. It was day filled with fun and learning!
To see more pictures of the fun they had click here.