Monday, September 21, 2009

First grade is getting comfy cozy for PJ Day!!

First graders have been working so hard these past 4 weeks of school to earn compliments. Each compliment earns their class a letter in the class "Mystery Message". Some of the messages so far have been "Love One Another" and "Jesus Loves You". Once the message is complete, the first grade classes will vote for a special treat. So far Ms. Reeder's class and Miss Herrmann's class have finished their messages and both voted for "Pajama Day". Kids came dressed for school looking like they just rolled out of bed. In Miss Herrmann's class students were encouraged to bring pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals to curl up with during silent reading time. We ended the day watching a movie and eating yummy popcorn. Mrs. Berardo's, Mrs. Miner's, and Mrs. Matos' classes are all getting close to their first prize. Keep the compliments coming first grade!

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