Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Elementary Back To School Night

The Elementary School had their 10th Annual Back To School Night on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 for students in K-3 thru 5th grade. We started in the sanctuary with a flutaphone to "Amazing Grace" led by our elementary music teacher, Mrs. Adkins and performed by our elementary students. What a treat for the parents to hear these students perform for them while glorifying our Lord.

The performance was followed by our school leaders sharing their heart and vision for CCA, the students, the staff, and the parents. Then it was off to the classrooms to visit with the teachers. The night was filled with excitement and emotion as parents didn't just hear the vision, but felt it.

Our movie and popcorn was a sure hit with the kids and gave the parents an opportunity to visit with teachers without having little ones to worry about. Enjoy the pictures, and thank you to everyone who participated in the preparation and participation of our 10th Annual Elementary Back to School Night! God Bless You All...

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