Friday, November 6, 2009

Collaborative Learning: High School Presents to Elementary Students

Mrs. Peyton's high school "Speech and Debate" class had an opportunity to practice their presentation skills by speaking to our elementary third and fourth grade students. Mrs. Peyton had nine students who presented a mini-devotional that focused on each individual high schooler's childhood experience and how they learned and grew from that experience.

Mrs. Peyton opened by sharing her student's favorite things with the class so they would have some knowledge about their presenters. She then opened in prayer.

The high schoolers began by individually sharing a story that had a beginning, middle, and end. They displayed positive body language, eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, and use of props. They each closed with a scripture that mirrored and taught a lesson regarding their particular story. At the end of each presentation, Mrs. Peyton framed the entire presentation with some relatable questions so our elementary students could interact with the message.

Mrs. Peyton notes... This collaborative effort has been made to give the students "real world" experience with an authentic audience. Due to the class being small, speaking to an intimate group does not afford them the opportunity of real growth in their public speaking. These elementary venues and those of the study hall for high school students provide REAL, on the spot audiences that do provide feedback. Yes, authentic assessment at its best! God is FAITHFUL!

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