National Library Week was celebrated April 12th through 15th. PreK-2nd grade students were entertained with Guest Readers for a special story time in the Library. Story tellers included a parent author, Broward County Public Librarians, as well as a debut author. Students learned of God's goodness, other cultures, and being a good steward of the resources God has blessed us with.
The Triple Crown Award Program ended on April 15th with a total of 428 students that were eligible to vote. Voting parties were held in the Library, the week of April 26th. National book award winners will be announced soon. Twenty-one 3rd -5th graders took the challenge to read all 20 Children's Crown Award titles and were awarded a certificate and a gold medallion for their accomplishment.
Students are actively striving for the school wide goal of 30,000 AR points. They have over 25,000 and will be rewarded with a water day celebration on May 25th.
Our third annual Summer Checkout will be held May 28th through June 4th. Looking forward to seeing you in our Library Media Center.