Wednesday, May 19, 2010

VE Students Are Breaking Rocks

"The LORD is my rock"
Psalm 18:2

VE students are learning about the creation of the earth and the rocks that make up the earth’s crust. God has given us the earth to care for and to use it wisely, for our good and his glory.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Congratulations 5th Grade Champion For Christ Winners!

On Wednesday, May 5th, nineteen fifth grade students enjoyed a limo ride and a day of fun at Boomers. These nineteen students worked hard all year earning at least five gold medals while making the principles honor roll, logging service hours, or being recognized for outstanding Christian Character.

5th Grade Easter Celebration
What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. -Ro­bert Low­ry
In celebration of Easter and the resurrection of our Savior, 5th grade students reflected on what Christ might have experienced before his crucifixion. As students carried a large wooden cross to the west field, Pastor Halleran shared thoughts about Christ's suffering prior to the crucifixion. Students ended the experience by nailing their own personal sins to the cross. This was a special time for the students and their Savior.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spring Highlights in the Library Media Center

National Library Week was celebrated April 12th through 15th. PreK-2nd grade students were entertained with Guest Readers for a special story time in the Library. Story tellers included a parent author, Broward County Public Librarians, as well as a debut author. Students learned of God's goodness, other cultures, and being a good steward of the resources God has blessed us with.
The Triple Crown Award Program ended on April 15th with a total of 428 students that were eligible to vote. Voting parties were held in the Library, the week of April 26th. National book award winners will be announced soon. Twenty-one 3rd -5th graders took the challenge to read all 20 Children's Crown Award titles and were awarded a certificate and a gold medallion for their accomplishment.

Students are actively striving for the school wide goal of 30,000 AR points. They have over 25,000 and will be rewarded with a water day celebration on May 25th.

Our third annual Summer Checkout will be held May 28th through June 4th. Looking forward to seeing you in our Library Media Center.