Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Grade Trip to Flamingo Gardens

First grade had a fantastic field trip to Flamingo Gardens! We have been learning about plants in our science unit, so we were excited to learn more in "The Green Machine". Students were able to see some of God's amazing creation including some cool creatures, such as panthers, flamingos, and bobcats. They even had peacocks roaming freely around the park! We enjoyed a great puppet show, took a nature hunt, planted a plant to take home, and took a tram ride around the park. We had so much fun!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WhAt A wAcKy WeDnEsDaY!!!

To celebrate Dr. Suess' birthday, students wore wacky clothes last Wednesday, March 3rd. First grade had a blast wearing mismatched and backwards clothes. Mrs. Matos and Miss Herrmann's class even made some wacky Ooblek, based on one of Dr. Suess' beloved books.

"I could sing of Your LOVE FOREVER!"

First grade was given the privilege of leading chapel on Friday, February 26th. Since February is the month of love, we decided that this would be an appropriate theme for chapel. All 5 first grade classes performed songs and read scripture about love. Then we were blessed to have Pastor Williams give a great devotion on three different kinds of love: God's love for us, our love for God, and our love for others.

100th Day in Ms. Reeder's Class

Ms. Reeder's first grade class had a ball dressing in shirts with 100 items on them to celebrate the 100th day of school!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wacky Wednesday! Slideshow

Dr. Seuss' birthday is celebrated to encourage students to read, read, read! Dr. Seuss' actual birthday is on March 2nd. However, CCA celebrates on the 1st Wednesday of March in honor of one of his most popular children's books: Wacky Wednesday. Everyone likes to be wacky once in a while! He wrote Wacky Wednesday under the pen name Theo Leseig (which is his actual surname "Geisel" spelled backwards!) Stop by the library to check out this and many other books to keep you read, read, reading all year long!
Click the title "Wacky Wednesday! Slideshow" to play the digital scrapbook.