Elementary students in grades 1-5 celebrated reaching and exceeding their reading challenge of 20,000 Accelerated Reading points. Students were rewarded with a beach-themed dress-up day as well as "water day" activities on the west field. Classes competed against each other by grade level to complete the sponge and cup relays. The goal was to transfer water from the 5 gallon bucket by sponge or cup to the gallon jug a few yards away. Classes were also treated to cupcakes with gummy fish and the top readers, as well as the most improved were recognized from each class. The highlight was the trophy given to one student in each grade level for being the highest point achiever.
The winners were:
1st grade: Riley Ouellette, 97.6 pts.
2nd grade: Necah Marson, 114.9 pts.
3rd grade: John Roig, 285.5 pts.
4th grade: Owen Ouellette, 358.9 pts.
5th grade:
Trent Wysocki, 535.3 pts.