Friday, May 29, 2009

Golf Tournament - Class Winners

These classes donated $250.00 or more towards a Golf Tee Sponsorship. Their golf tee signs were displayed on the golf course during the tournament for all to see!!! They were promised a pizza & ice cream party if they were the winners.

The winning classes were:
Mrs. Mayell (5th grade)
Mrs. Webb (3rd grade)
Mrs. Contento (2nd grade)
Ms. Herrmann (1st grade) and Mrs. Agarth (2nd grade)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Kindergarten in Mrs. Eynon's Class

There have been a lot events going on in Mrs. Eynon's kindergarten class. There was very a special Mother's Day gathering that will not soon be forgotten by the guest of honors, The Mother's. Some of the other events were a few different award ceremonies, where some of the students were honored with different types of awards such as, Reading, Most Improved, and Christian Character. To get more of a look at the different events, along with some individual pictures of our Mom's and students please click here.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Water Day at CCA

Elementary students in grades 1-5 celebrated reaching and exceeding their reading challenge of 20,000 Accelerated Reading points. Students were rewarded with a beach-themed dress-up day as well as "water day" activities on the west field. Classes competed against each other by grade level to complete the sponge and cup relays. The goal was to transfer water from the 5 gallon bucket by sponge or cup to the gallon jug a few yards away. Classes were also treated to cupcakes with gummy fish and the top readers, as well as the most improved were recognized from each class. The highlight was the trophy given to one student in each grade level for being the highest point achiever.
The winners were:
1st grade: Riley Ouellette, 97.6 pts.
2nd grade: Necah Marson, 114.9 pts.
3rd grade: John Roig, 285.5 pts.
4th grade: Owen Ouellette, 358.9 pts.
5th grade: Trent Wysocki, 535.3 pts.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Miss Reeders Mother's Day Celebration

This past Monday we celebrated Mother's Day. We invited our mothers in for some flip-flop cake, keepsake memories, and a craft where we made fancy flip-flops for moms to wear over the summer! We thank the LORD for our moms and pray they enjoyed their morning!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Amazing Grace - Performed by 3rd grade

After a lot of hard work and practice, the 3rd grade students were able to play their special rendition of "Amazing Grace" on their recorders at the Award Chapel Ceremony. It was music to our ears!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Flying High at CCA - Coast Guard Helicopter

Monday afternoon from CCA dad, Lieutenant Matt Laughlin, along with two of his coworkers, Lieutenant Commander Chris Hulser and AET Ray Rivera Rodriguez. Students and teachers alike were in awe as the crew of the HH-65 Dolphin circled and then landed their helicopter, ordinarily used to perform search and rescue operations, on our football field. Once the helicopter landed, each student went aboard and looked inside. Through a question and answer session with the Coast Guard members, the elementary kids learned about the helicopter and how it performs rescues, how it flies, and what it carries. They also learned about Coast Guard procedures and operations, as well as water safety tips that are especially important for living in South Florida. This was a great opportunity for the students, as they learned something new about their community service personnel in a very unique way. To see all the pictures click here.

Fifth Grade Class Nails Their Sins to the Cross

How did our fifth grade students celebrate the week leading to Easter Sunday? For some years now, it has become a CCA tradition for fifth graders to "nail their sins to the cross", a ceremony that reaches more into a young person's heart than a classroom lesson would do. On Wednesday, April 8, the 5th Grade Class, met Pastor Bob Coy in the Sanctuary hallway and carried a wooden cross out to the baseball field, where he taught them the importance of what they were about to do. To see all the pictures click here.